Rebecca Rose

Licensed Massage Therapist
and Bodywork Educator

Qi Gong Standing Meditation
Rebecca Rose Standing outdoors next to a Norway Spruce

Rebecca Rose, LMT  has been licensed and practicing Bodywork in the state of Nebraska since 1997,
offering instruction for individuals or groups in Qi Gong, Massage at Home, Professional Ethics, and Balance and Flexibility.
Rebecca also offers compassionate house-sitting, specializing in households with pets and plants.

Spring 2022
Apple blossom in springtime

Spring is a time of creation and renewal.

The Plants, who through the Winter have hidden underground or waited in their seed bunkers, now burst forth into the sun, Green and growing fast. We also feel this energy, as longer, warmer days give rise to feelings of inspiration, motivation, and hope. Spring is the time for cleansing, to prepare for the New. Wind blows dead twigs and limbs from the trees, rain cleans away last year's dust, and the new growth looks shiny and vibrant. We are motivated to clean our homes and gardens, to discard what has become clutter, and make space for our new plans. Many people cleanse the body and mind in springtime as well. Leaves and sprouts support the body at this energetic time, and are helpful clearing away extra fat accumulated during a winter diet meant to keep us warm. Sour foods are also supportive, and a popular juice cleanse uses Lemonade made with fresh lemons, maple syrup, and cayenne. An emphasis on freshness and whole foods will help you sustain the wonderful energy of the season. In the spirit of renewal, Spring is a good time to start a new exercise routine. Consult your Team about trying something new, or change your routine to fit new goals. New Ideas often manifest in springtime. Like a master gardener, plan ahead, prune and thin, nurture the best ideas, and have patience. Your efforts in springtime will bear fruit later in the year. Challenge yourself, and let the energy of Spring inspire you.

The First Step to self-healing is to accept responsibility for your own health. This does not mean you should forgo medical attention from others; there are many effective choices in health care. What it means is that you are responsible to make informed choices about your health and lifestyle.

Qi Gong (or Chi Kung) is an exercise used to maintain and improve health. By aligning breath, movement, and awareness, practitioners optimize energy flow in the body. Qi (or Chi), means vital energy, life force, or breath. Combined with Gong (or Kung), meaning work, achievement, mastery,
Qi Gong describes the cultivation of vital energy through physical and mental effort. Practice improves balance, flexibility, circulation, stamina, and strength.



Super Moon
The The Super Moon  orange and yellow
While the moon is Super I will be standing still

                  Rebecca Rose LMT

May 18, 2022